Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's Run:
10.01 miles, 1:47:02
Low 40's at the start, sunny, near perfect fall day

As you can see from the above pictures, it was absolutely gorgeous outside today! What you cannot see in the pictures is how much I struggled to get it done. It was purely awful at times!

I dropped the monster off at church and drove out to a nearby town to run on the golf cart paths. I parked at a gas station that is kind of in the middle of two larger loops - this proved to be a good strategy. I ran about 4 miles and was back at the car. I stopped to use the bathroom and bought some Gatorade. I also took a GU since I was already back at the car and could dispose of the trash. Also, I went ahead and took a GU because I was struggling and it was only 4 miles into the run. I thought about quitting at that point, but I kept going.

I felt better after the GU and ended up taking a new route and going exploring. I took a larger loop and finishing up pretty nicely back at the car. It wasn't all bad - I got to see some beautiful fall colors - I just love this time of year! I also left beautiful snot rockets all over the trails... kind of like a runner's take on Hansel and Gretel. Good thing my GPS didn't fail me, right?

My leg hurt for maybe about the first half mile and then did pretty good from that point on. I did stop to stretch every couple of miles. It's kind of sore and tight tonight, though. I just took my first dose of ibuprofen and finished icing it. I hope I'll be able to talk my husband into massaging it later - that really helped last time!

I don't know what it is about running - sometimes it is so easy and you feel like you're flying. Other times, it's like you're aware of every step and feel like you're torturing yourself for almost 2 hours. I always hang in there because I love how I feel when the run is finished - no matter how terrible it was while it was going down. Plus, I love eating when it's all said and done.

My husband likes to tell me that the runs that stink are the ones that build character. He barely runs. What does he know? No character was built today. Instead, it built a ginormous appetite and I put a serious hurt on a naked burrito from Moe's. The end.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday's Run

I worked Tues/Wed/Thur overnights this week. I slept terribly all week and am quite tired. I got up Friday afternoon and snuck a quick run in before one of my classmates came to town to visit.

I felt like it was my first time running!

I know it's because it was related to my sleep schedule throughout the week, but it was slightly discouraging at first.

My calf was kind of tight at first but I warmed out of it. I'm pretty sure I had a limp. I wore a compression sleeve, which seemed to help and I have been meticulously stretching, rolling, and using the therapeutic laser on my calf all week. It's feeling somewhat better but I'm starting to doubt my ability to cross the finish line of a 26.2 in good health.

That's a story for another day. Too depressing.

The run:
3.18 miles, 31:18
65 degrees, sunny

I'm currently at work and waiting on some Mexican deliciousness. I hope to run tomorrow afternoon - after a morning packed with church and Monster's Santa pictures!

Have I mentioned how much I love my Garmin?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I took Sunday and Monday off after the half marathon this weekend. I'm still having some right calf pain and it was a bit worse on Sunday than it had been in a few weeks. I have discovered that serious stretching, massage, and foam rolling REALLY help. It's almost like my upper calf muscles are too tight and causing everything to be "off." The husband gave me a really great massage last night! It hurt so good.

I was thinking I'd do a run this morning before I had to pick up the baby from school. I was willing to do up to 7 miles, depending on how my leg was feeling. I ended up doing far less than that, not because of my leg, but because of the weather.

Of course, on voting day, it's freezing and pouring rain. I decided to run anyway. I work the next 4 nights (including tonight), so it was very important for me to get a run in today.

Today's Run:
3 miles, 31:08
~45 degrees, pouring rain

I have some water resistant (key word) running attire - including GoreTex shoes. My jacket worked for a bit, but within 2 miles, it had reached its saturation point and I was soaked. And cold. And my hands were almost numb. And I couldn't tell if it was rain, snot, or both that was running down my face. After 3 miles, I decided that I needed to defrost and dry off.

IT WAS AWESOME. There's something about running in the rain that makes you feel really hardcore - and like a kid again at the same time. I had a huge smile across my (numb) face.

I was also the only person crazy enough to be in the park getting my exercise on in the pouring rain. I took this as a sign that I could sing loudly and dance as much as I wanted. You know you want to be my running partner. HA!

I hope you exercised today, too. While I hope you got out and ran, I really hope you exercised your right to vote. I'm so thankful to live in a country where I have that right!

By the way, my feet stayed dry - other than the dampness from water coming in the tops of my shoes and getting my socks wet. Invest in some Brooks GoreTex shoes if you think you will run in the rain!

Rock N Roll Savannah Half Marathon

Saturday was the 2nd annual Savannah Rock N Roll marathon/half marathon. I ran the race last year, too, and I think it's my favorite race by far. It's a pretty flat and fast course and the crowd support is great!

We stayed in a different hotel this year and we really liked it. If you are interested in running this race next year, I'll give you the hotel info. It was about half a mile from the starting line and about a mile from the finish. The husband was quite happy with our location because he got to stay in bed while I got up early to head out and run. He and the monster slept until about 9:30 that morning! Slackers.

I worked Thursday night, got home Friday morning, finished packing, and left for Savannah. I dozed a bit in the car but didn't get much sleep. Once we got there, we checked into the hotel, changed, and left to head to the expo. Last year, the expo experience was a TRAIN WRECK, so we were hoping to beat out the crowds.

The problem with this expo is that there is no parking and you have to take a ferry across the river. Last year, we waited for over two hours to get on a ferry. This year, we were on a ferry within 36 minutes. Yes, I timed it. It was a pretty neat expo and I really liked how big the Brooks area was. I love Brooks' stuff and they were the ones who made the official race shirt, too. Winning. I would have loved to walk around and shop some more, but it is definitely not the husband's idea of a good time.

Here's the monster waiting on the ferry back across the river:

It was about 5 o'clock when we were done with the expo so we headed out in search of some carbs - aka the reason I run. We had gotten a recommendation from one of the dudes at the hotel and went to this local italian place. Turns out, you needed a reservation to sit inside, but the tables out on the sidewalk were free game. Thankfully, we snagged a table quickly (thanks to the girls who kept that grumpy dude from stealing our table) and engorged ourselves on carbs. I had this amazing grilled chicken, basil, and alfredo ziti dish. It was soooooo good. I think I gained about 5 lbs but that's ok.

I passed out at 7:30 that night. I can't remember a time in my adult life where I went to bed so early - but it was great. When my alarm went off at 5am - I was wide awake. I got up, went down to the lobby for breakfast (bagel with peanut butter and coffee). I appreciated that the coffee was on the house - they knew what was up and how to win a bunch of runners over!

It was about 48 degrees at the start of the race. I should have brought capris with me but I only had long pants with me - I was expecting it to be colder. I wore my new ProCompression pink compression socks, long black pants, a short sleeved Brooks tee, and a matching Skinny Band (my favorite - they have adorable patterns and they don't budge!). I made sure to bathe with anti-chafe goodness, too, and I came out unscathed.

Saturday, November 3:
13.2 miles (yes, I believe the course was mismeasured - because the Garmin said so), 2:11:57
New PR!!!

I was pretty stoked by my time in this race. I took 8 minutes off my time from last year, too!

I met a new pal in the start corral and ended up running and chatting with her for close to 10 miles. That was a serious blessing! She lives in Atlanta, so I hope I can meet up with her again for a run sometime. Running with a companion is so much better than running solo! Thanks, Diane!

After the race, I met up with the hubs and baby, and we ate lunch and headed back to the hotel. We got dressed and took the baby out to Tybee Island to show her the Atlantic Ocean. She had a great time and it was a fantastic way to get her to run off some energy.

We went to Lady and Sons for dinner that night - loved being able to refuel with Paula Dean's goodness. I also love that they take reservations now!

We got up Sunday and ate at a really good little breakfast place near the hotel. We got on the road and rushed home for the Living Christmas Tree practice.

Man, this was a great weekend. I love having such a great time with my family, getting to run with 17k of my closest friends, and eating amazing food! See you next year, Savannah!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Today was a fun filled day! One of my colleagues needed a day off next week, so I traded to have tonight off. I'm so glad that I was able to do that! As it just so happened, I needed to take Monster to school, take the hubs to pick up the car (which was an easy and FREE fix), pick out pumpkins, decorate a pumpkin (we couldn't have a naked porch!), and get ready for Trunk-Or-Treat! Phew.

I managed to sneak a run in this morning right before picking Monster up from school. It was a miserably slow run - my legs were sore and felt like lead. I imagine this was from my speedy run (for me) last night and how close the two runs were to each other. I've heard it's good to do that every once in awhile for training - some people even do two runs a day! I wish I was that cool.

I find fall awesome, of course, but it's also hard to dress for runs. Today, I thought it was cold, so I wore my full length tight pants, a long sleeved technical tee, and a Nike hoodie. I was burning up within a few minutes and was freezing again within 2 miles. I don't predict that I will ever get good at this!

Today's Run:
4.11 miles, 43.02, 10:38/mi
51 degrees, intermittent wind, sunny

After my run, I picked up Monster and we did a couple of errands. I had to go to Hobby Lobby and to a local pumpkin patch. We usually go to this little pumpkin patch at a church near our house - the proceeds go to missions I believe. Well, as it turns out, it's a procrastinator's dream! On the last day, you can get as many pumpkins as you want and make a donation that you find is fair. Sweet. We got two big pumpkins and the monster picked out several small ones.

Here is my cool pumpkin! We didn't have time to carve one - and frankly I didn't want to go to the ER with my toddler due to a cutting injury. I hot glued these buttons on the pumpkin and I think it turned out really awesome! I make my own bows and the monster picked out the ribbon. It was a team effort - even though the glue gun was used only during nap time.

The monster was a Yellow Jacket for Halloween. Hubs and I were GT fans - easiest costumes ever. I just wore a Tech sweatshirt and jeans. I was comfortable! We taught Monster to say "GO JACKETS!" - but of course she wouldn't do it for anyone tonight.

Happy Halloween from my Monster to Yours!

NEXT RUN: Rock and Roll Savannah Half Marathon! Whoop. Sounds like an excuse for carb loading...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today was a very interesting day. I'll give you the general run down.

First, one of my student loan companies and I got our wires crossed and I've been given the "opportunity" to make an extra loan payment. Four days before my bill is due. And it overdrew my account. The day before my husband's paycheck will be deposited. Awesome. I hate money! It's my #1 stressor!

We had our "end of the study" breakfast at Bible study today. I got up extra early so I could try a new Pinterest recipe - mini pumpkin donut bites. Win. Here's a pic of this delicousness. You can't go wrong with things covered in cinnamon and sugar!

I got my vote on before having to pick Monster up from school. It only took about 10 minutes and I'm so thankful that I don't have to wait in the epic lines on voting day!

My child has been very cranky and very tired this week. I have had to wake her up both mornings! She has had an epically short fuse and it is very grating on the nerves. I'm hoping that she's going through a growth spurt or something because I might lose my mind if this is more permanent than that!

I was already a bit on edge this evening when my husband called on his way home and said something was wrong with his car. Again. We have spent an ungodly amount of money on that car this month - new catalytic converter, radiator, rear brakes, etc. So, needless to say, the car is back in the shop. Again. We are hoping it was just something related to the recent work on the brakes and not another issue that will rob us blind. Plus, it's hard to pay for anything when your student loan company has overdrawn your account! ha!

Basically, I was pretty wound up by the time I had to get the husband from the car shop. I needed to run. So, despite the setting sun and blustery weather, I headed out for a run.

Here's a snapshot of beauty from my run - love the reflection of the pink sky on the water!

So, rage is great fuel for me. Needless to say, I was shocked when my Garmin alerted that my first mile was complete - and it was 8:39! Say what!? I ended up having two sub 9 minute miles - I can't remember a time when that has happened before!

Today's Stats:

3.23 miles, 29:14:62, 9:02 average
51 degrees, 20+mph winds (Thanks Hurricane Sandy)

When it's so stinking cold, I apparently run faster so I can get it over with. Seriously though, how can 50 degrees feel so COLD?? My ears were stinging by the time I got home.

Here's the post-run pic that the Monster insisted on taking with me... I have awesome hair, don't I?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maiden Voyage

My shiny new Garmnin Forerunner 110 came in the mail on Friday! It was a sad tease, really, because I had to work that night. I took it to work with me so that I could charge it and play with it -- but I didn't even get a chance to look at it, much less open it. I had one of those nights that make you want to curl up in the fetal position and scream "UNCLE!" When I finally got to leave work on Saturday morning, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I took a short nap, played with the Monster for a little while, and then got ready to go to dinner with some very special people!

Apparently, Georgia Tech's homecoming brings some super awesome people to town! My sister in law is on the right and her sister (also my childhood friend and one of my bridesmaids) is the left. I loved that I was actually off on a weekend and actually got to see them.

At one point during dinner, I was talking with some other amazing friends at the end of the table and this happened:

Her daddy (a GT grad) claims that he had nothing to do with this. The good news is that Mary Kay Eye Makeup Remover easily takes temporary tattoos off of a baby's face.

We had a great day today, too. We accidentally slept in because our alarm clock (Monster) did not get up at her usual time. I can't remember the last time I slept until 9am! We missed Sunday School but made it in time to sing with the choir. Afterwards, we came home and cleaned out the left overs and the Monster took an extremely long nap. We had considered taking her to a pumpkin patch today but she totally slept the whole time instead. We'll have to take her somewhere locally tomorrow to get a few pumpkins for the porch!

Our weather is so bonkers right now. That huge hurricane is off the coast of Georgia today and we have some serious wind. We're under a wind advisory because of the 35mph gusts we are having. I know my husband is extremely happy that he spent so much time raking leaves yesterday because the backyard is now full again! Joy!

I got a nice run in this afternoon. It was my first trip with my new friend (my Garmin). I plan on giving her a name so it seems like I have a friend running partner. It was amazing! I have the heart rate monitor that goes with it and I had forgotten how much I missed running with a HR monitor! I try to keep my heart rate in a certain range so I don't run out of steam.

Today's Run
5.03 miles, 50:26:49
I ran part of my normal loop and added on a more dangerous segment to make it a nice 5 miles. I wore my super fun (and bright bright neon green) Brooks essential running jacket and I'm pretty sure all motorists saw me coming.

The wind made it pretty tricky! I can honestly say I've never run in wind like that before. I think I would have been faster had I not been fighting the wind for so much of my travels. My legs started to feel like mush after awhile.

My leg felt pretty good. I stretched it out when I got home and will roll it out before bed. I didn't wear any compression gear today so I consider this a win.

I need some name suggestions for my new friend! Have any good ideas?