Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maiden Voyage

My shiny new Garmnin Forerunner 110 came in the mail on Friday! It was a sad tease, really, because I had to work that night. I took it to work with me so that I could charge it and play with it -- but I didn't even get a chance to look at it, much less open it. I had one of those nights that make you want to curl up in the fetal position and scream "UNCLE!" When I finally got to leave work on Saturday morning, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I took a short nap, played with the Monster for a little while, and then got ready to go to dinner with some very special people!

Apparently, Georgia Tech's homecoming brings some super awesome people to town! My sister in law is on the right and her sister (also my childhood friend and one of my bridesmaids) is the left. I loved that I was actually off on a weekend and actually got to see them.

At one point during dinner, I was talking with some other amazing friends at the end of the table and this happened:

Her daddy (a GT grad) claims that he had nothing to do with this. The good news is that Mary Kay Eye Makeup Remover easily takes temporary tattoos off of a baby's face.

We had a great day today, too. We accidentally slept in because our alarm clock (Monster) did not get up at her usual time. I can't remember the last time I slept until 9am! We missed Sunday School but made it in time to sing with the choir. Afterwards, we came home and cleaned out the left overs and the Monster took an extremely long nap. We had considered taking her to a pumpkin patch today but she totally slept the whole time instead. We'll have to take her somewhere locally tomorrow to get a few pumpkins for the porch!

Our weather is so bonkers right now. That huge hurricane is off the coast of Georgia today and we have some serious wind. We're under a wind advisory because of the 35mph gusts we are having. I know my husband is extremely happy that he spent so much time raking leaves yesterday because the backyard is now full again! Joy!

I got a nice run in this afternoon. It was my first trip with my new friend (my Garmin). I plan on giving her a name so it seems like I have a friend running partner. It was amazing! I have the heart rate monitor that goes with it and I had forgotten how much I missed running with a HR monitor! I try to keep my heart rate in a certain range so I don't run out of steam.

Today's Run
5.03 miles, 50:26:49
I ran part of my normal loop and added on a more dangerous segment to make it a nice 5 miles. I wore my super fun (and bright bright neon green) Brooks essential running jacket and I'm pretty sure all motorists saw me coming.

The wind made it pretty tricky! I can honestly say I've never run in wind like that before. I think I would have been faster had I not been fighting the wind for so much of my travels. My legs started to feel like mush after awhile.

My leg felt pretty good. I stretched it out when I got home and will roll it out before bed. I didn't wear any compression gear today so I consider this a win.

I need some name suggestions for my new friend! Have any good ideas?

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