Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I took Sunday and Monday off after the half marathon this weekend. I'm still having some right calf pain and it was a bit worse on Sunday than it had been in a few weeks. I have discovered that serious stretching, massage, and foam rolling REALLY help. It's almost like my upper calf muscles are too tight and causing everything to be "off." The husband gave me a really great massage last night! It hurt so good.

I was thinking I'd do a run this morning before I had to pick up the baby from school. I was willing to do up to 7 miles, depending on how my leg was feeling. I ended up doing far less than that, not because of my leg, but because of the weather.

Of course, on voting day, it's freezing and pouring rain. I decided to run anyway. I work the next 4 nights (including tonight), so it was very important for me to get a run in today.

Today's Run:
3 miles, 31:08
~45 degrees, pouring rain

I have some water resistant (key word) running attire - including GoreTex shoes. My jacket worked for a bit, but within 2 miles, it had reached its saturation point and I was soaked. And cold. And my hands were almost numb. And I couldn't tell if it was rain, snot, or both that was running down my face. After 3 miles, I decided that I needed to defrost and dry off.

IT WAS AWESOME. There's something about running in the rain that makes you feel really hardcore - and like a kid again at the same time. I had a huge smile across my (numb) face.

I was also the only person crazy enough to be in the park getting my exercise on in the pouring rain. I took this as a sign that I could sing loudly and dance as much as I wanted. You know you want to be my running partner. HA!

I hope you exercised today, too. While I hope you got out and ran, I really hope you exercised your right to vote. I'm so thankful to live in a country where I have that right!

By the way, my feet stayed dry - other than the dampness from water coming in the tops of my shoes and getting my socks wet. Invest in some Brooks GoreTex shoes if you think you will run in the rain!

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